Mark Jenkin’s BAFTA winning feature film BAIT.
Cornish Media Reports & Studies
A Case for a Cornish Public Service Media
In recent decades, minoritised languages in Europe have become increasingly visible and connected, leading to the formation and evolution of minority language Public Service Broadcasters. Cornwall is under represented by the existing public service broadcasters and despite Cornwall's national minority status and Cornish language being recognised by the EU and UK government, it is the only national minority and only indigenous language in the UK without its own media service. It is timely, then, to propose the formation of a Cornish Public Service Media (PSM) – an engaging new model, harnessing technological developments with regenerative, social and environmental principles at its core.
Screen Cornwall is leading the development of a Case for Cornish Public Service Media, working with consultants Denzil Monk and Mandy Berry to drive forward recommendations of a scoping study commissioned by Cornwall Council in 2019 and a summary report published in March 2020. Our team already manages the annual Cornish language short film award ‘FylmK’ and has commissioned a pilot for the first ever Cornish language children’s series ‘Porth'.
Kas rag Media Gonis Poblek Kernewek
Yn degvledhynnyow a-dhiwedhes, res eth ha bos yethow minoryta yn Europa moy ha moy gweladow ha kevrynnys, re ledyas dhe'n selyans hag esplegyans a Dharlesoryon Gonis Poblek yethow minoryta. Kernow yw is-representys gans an dharlesoryon gonis poblek a-lemmyn hag yn despit dhe savla minoryta kenedhlek Kernow hag aswonvos an yeth Kernewek gans an UE ha governans RU, yth yw hi an unsel minoryta kenedhlek hag unsel yeth teythyek y’n RU heb hy gonis media hy honan. A-brys yw, ytho, dhe brofya selyans a Vedia Gonis Poblek (MGP) Kernewek – patron tennvosek nowydh, ow hernessya displegyansow teknegiethel gans pennrewlow dastineythyel, socyal ha kerghynedhel orth y golonnen.
Yma Skrin Kernow ow ledya displegyans a Gas rag Media Gonis Poblek Kernewek, yn unn oberi gans kussulyadoryon Denzil Monk ha Mandy Berry dhe lewya yn-rag komendyansow a studhyans arhwilas a veu erghys gans Konsel Kernow yn 2019 ha derivas kott dyllys mis Meurth 2020.
Cornish Public Service Broadcaster Research Project
Phase 1 – Scoping Study Report.
Ragdres Hwithrans Darleser Gonis Poblek Kernewek
Agwedh 1 – Derivas Studhyans Arhwilas
Published July 2019.
A Case for Cornish Public Service Media
Summary Report
Derivas Kott an Kas rag Media Gonis
Poblek Kernewek
Published March 2020.
Zoe Alker’s YN MOR, 2018, FylmK commission.