Widening access to careers in screen
Earlier this year, Screen Cornwall set up a short-term pilot project aiming to work with new groups and organisations that provide support to children and young adults from a broad range of backgrounds to give them their first taste of filmmaking. The project was broad in its scope, guided by the needs and interests of each individual/group to ultimately deliver experiential workshops, technical skills development or further professional support. The majority of individuals had no substantial filmmaking experience, yet, as this project has shown, removing that barrier enables them to make a start.
The initial consultation identified a clear desire for accessible workshops appropriate for a wide range of ages and interests, so we worked with support staff from a number of different organisations to design several options for course structures.
The first sessions saw a young group of 7-9 year olds take part in a freeform session which got them hands-on with cameras for the first time. It proved to be high energy, nothing off limits and an emphasis on playing saw them explore their own ideas together and engage with drama and performance as well as the chance to use the kit.