Outreach News & Events
We are seeking applications from young people aged 16-19 who have a passion for film to participate in the BFI Film Academy Short Course 2024 delivered by Screen Cornwall…
Screen Cornwall is welcoming short film script submissions from emerging writers aged 16-30.
Between September and December of 2023 Screen Cornwall worked with Carefree, a Cornish charity that works with young people with care experience.
This year we are delighted to offer eight Year 10 or 12 students the opportunity for a project-based work experience. Learn basic filmmaking skills – planning, interviewing, camera, sound, and editing.
Screen Cornwall is working in partnership with disAbility Cornwall & Isles of Scilly and Falmouth University School of Film & Television, to create a short documentary about lived experience and technology.
Screen Cornwall is looking for professionals with outreach experience to deliver filmmaking skills workshops across areas of Cornwall.
Screen Cornwall is seeking twenty young people aged 16-19 who have a genuine passion for film to participate in the BFI Film Academy 2023…
Earlier this year, Screen Cornwall set up a short term pilot project aiming to work with new groups and organisations that…