News & Events
Screen Cornwall are delighted to invite ideas for two new 360 immersive film commissions. In partnership with the West Devon…
In 2025, creative organisations across Cornwall are coming together to offer a huge project-based work experience across a range of creative practices…
Screen Cornwall and Creative Kernow Associates are thrilled to announce the participants of our Immersive Innovation Programme.
On Monday, 11th November, Screen Cornwall and Creative Kernow Associates launched the Immersive Innovation Programme with an exciting first workshop at the state-of-the-art Market Hall in Plymouth, hosted by programme partner Real Immersive.
Screen Cornwall and Exeter Phoenix are pleased to partner with BFI NETWORK South West again to create a fourth iteration of the Peninsula Producers Network.
Introducing the New Writers Network 2025 cohort of fourteen aspiring screenwriters, given the chance to develop their short film scripts under the mentorship of an experienced script editor.
The New Writers Network is open again for 2025, offering aspiring screenwriters the chance to develop their short film scripts under the mentorship of an experienced script editor.
Screen Cornwall and Exeter Phoenix are pleased to partner with BFI NETWORK South West again to create a fourth iteration of the Peninsula Producers Network.
We are seeking applications from young people aged 16-19 who have a passion for film to participate in the BFI Film Academy Short Course 2024 delivered by Screen Cornwall…
Screen Cornwall is welcoming short film script submissions from emerging writers aged 16-30.
Screen Cornwall supported aspiring TV professionals at the ScreenSkills TV 'Need to Knows' training day, led by industry facilitator Dom Weeks in Saltash.
In 2024, as we celebrate 5 years of Screen Cornwall we're pleased to release our new film office showreel.
In the 2023 - 24 financial year we have strengthened our industry partnerships, participated in key policy discussions on minority languages in media, and continued to develop opportunities for local talent in the screen sector.
This is a freelance production executive role suitable for a self-employed professional. The key tasks and responsibilities include co-ordinating and tracking all Screen Cornwall commissions, from pre-production through to delivery of all contracted materials.
This is a part-time role to co-ordinate the administrative processes involved in programme delivery for the Screen Cornwall Innovation programme.
Screen Cornwall is delighted to announce further recipients of Cornish commission funding across FylmK Purr Verr (Very Short) and FylmK Meur (Plus).
Screen Cornwall offers a new short film commission that encourages work in Kernewek and Breton.
Screen Cornwall is delighted to announce the recipients of Cornish commission funding across five project strands: FylmK Purr Verr (Very Short), FylmK Meur (Plus), Scripted Comedy Web Series, Cornish Mining World Heritage Documentary and Immersive Nature.
Screen Cornwall is pleased to announce the first four recipients of its Feature-Film Development Scheme for projects in the Cornish Language made by local creative talent.
Between September and December of 2023 Screen Cornwall worked with Carefree, a Cornish charity that works with young people with care experience.
Screen Cornwall has appointed Denzil Monk, CEO of award-winning Cornish independent production company Bosena, as consulting Executive Producer for new Cornish content commissioning schemes…
In 2024 Screen Cornwall will continue to give industry professionals at all stages of their career the chance to connect and collaborate at networking events throughout the year, at various venues across Cornwall.
Cornish language and culture projects are being given a funding boost as part of the Devolution Deal for Cornwall.
This year we are delighted to offer eight Year 10 or 12 students the opportunity for a project-based work experience. Learn basic filmmaking skills – planning, interviewing, camera, sound, and editing.
As part of the Cornwall Festival of Tech, Screen Cornwall is working with Mind Feast Games to launch the Cornwall Games Challenge for people aged 11-14 interested in video game design.
Screen Cornwall is working in partnership with disAbility Cornwall & Isles of Scilly and Falmouth University School of Film & Television, to create a short documentary about lived experience and technology.
Screen Cornwall is pleased to partner with Cornwall Games and Software Cornwall’s 'Festival of Tech' for the second year of Imagination Unleashed – a celebration and exploration of where Creativity and Technology collide to solve problems and enable great entertainment.
2023 FylmK award recipients writer/director Jaime Lock and producer Holly Kellock discuss the challenges of making their first film, working in the Cornish language and shooting on a remote island…